Hello, my name is

Chahir Jbali

Full Stack Web Developer

About me

Experienced Full Stack Web Developer with a strong background in freelance projects and full-time roles. Proficient in developing robust web applications and services, with a focus on seamless integration of payment APIs and upgrading frameworks for enhanced functionality. Skilled in various technologies including Vue.js, React, Laravel, Symfony Framework, Angular, and more. Adept at collaborating within agile teams, delivering solutions that meet both client and project requirements. Committed to excellence in coding, testing, and maintaining clean architecture.

What I do

I hold the belief that learning is a continuous journey, and I’m passionate about acquiring new technologies and programming languages. My goal is to leverage these skills to enhance the efficiency and quality of my designs and development processes.


I create interactive and dynamic websites and applications by combining frontend and backend technologies, ensuring seamless user experiences and robust functionality.

Frontend Development

I specialize in crafting captivating user interfaces using technologies like React, Angular, and vanilla JS, translating design into engaging and responsive web experiences.

backend Development

I architect and implement the server-side components of applications using technologies like Node.js, PHP (Symfony, Laravel), ensuring efficient data management, security, and smooth functionality for users on the frontend.



My Experience

Sep 2021 - Present


Full Stack Web Developer

Freelance Experience:

- Developed an audit control web application using Symfony 4.
- Created the front-end for a web application to synchronize data between different web services using React, fluent-ui, and implemented the API.
- Built useful components for React and refactored existing components.
- Implemented unit testing for an existing Laravel project.
- Developed APIs using the Laravel PHP framework and configured a clean architecture using Domain-Driven Design (DDD).
- Collaborated within an agile team on an ongoing project.
- Resolved bugs and completed a Vue.js application.
- Created a management system with Symfony 5.
- Integrated PayPal payment API
- Integrated Coinbase payment API
- Upgraded Symfony project from version 3.4 to the latest LTS version

Skills: Agile Web Development · Vue.js · React · Laravel · API Development · Angular · Symfony Framework · jQuery · Git · HTML5 · XML

Nov 2019 - Aug 2021

Octasoft – Manouba Governorate, Tunisia

Full Stack Web Developer

Experience and Achievements:

- Developed a comprehensive web application for event organization and management.
- Created REST and SOAP web services.
- Completed multiple tasks on existing solutions.
- Conducted thorough testing and achieved successful deployment.
- Designed and implemented the structure of the database.
- Developed Angular components for efficient front-end functionality.

Consumed XML and REST Web Services:

- ERA REST API RailEurope (provider of train tickets for traveling in Europe).
- Booster BC REST API (hotel provider in Tunisia).
- TBO Holidays XML API (hotel provider abroad).
- HotelBeds REST API (hotel provider abroad).
- Integrated the ClicToPay electronic payment system (SMT).

Skills: CSS · Angular · PHP · Web Development · Symfony Framework · jQuery · HTML5

Feb 2018 - May 2018

Etikks – Laouina tunisia


Project: Design and implementation of a web platform for managing advertisements.

- Creation of UML design and database tables
- Development of the application

Skills: PHP · Symfony Framework · jQuery · HTML5 · JavaScript


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